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한·중 국제학술대회 발표자료(18.11.13.) (*2,3번 누락)
작성자 경영경제연구소
등록일 2022.05.04
조회수 531
IP :  | 답변갯수 : 0
 한·중 국제학술대회 발표자료입니다.

1. A Comparison of Leadership Effectiveness among China, Japan and Korea: Crossvergence Perspective

 Prof. Youngsam Cho(Dept. of Business Administration, Gyeongsang Nat’l Univ.)

2.On the Cost Stickiness Difference between Companies with Different Layers in Pyramidal Business Group: Evidence from China’s A Share Listed Companies

Prof. Chengfang Wang(School of Accounting, ZUFE)

3. Does Regional Favoritism Affect Corporate Social Responsibility and the Efficiency of Debt Financing? - Evidence from China

Prof. Haijing Cai(School of Accounting, ZUFE)

4.A Study on the Rules of Origin for Fisheries Products in the Korea-China Free Trade Agreement

 Prof. Se-Hwan Joo(Dept. of Int’l Trade, Gyeongsang Nat’l Univ.)

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