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홈으로 이동 석사과정교과과정컴퓨터정보과학과정보통신학전공


구분 교과목번호 교과목명 학점 개설학기
공통 GKN924 디지털시스템(Digital System) 3 1
GKN926 세미나1(Seminar1) 1 1
GKN927 세미나2(Seminar2) 1 2
GKN928 세미나3(Seminar3)? 1 1
소계 6
연구 GKN910 논문연구(Research for Master's Degree) 2 전학기

GKN901 컴퓨터통신구조(Computer Communication Architecture) 3 2
GKN902 컴퓨터네트워크특론(Advanced Computer Network) 3 2
GKN911 전자회로특론(Advanced Electronic Circuits) 3 2
GKN912 네트워크운영체제론(Advanced Network Oprating System) 3 1
GKN914 부호이론특론(Advanced Coding Theory) 3 1
GKN915 전자장론(Electromagnetic Field Theory) 3 1
GKN916 광통신특론(Topics on Optical Communication) 3 2
GKN917 안테나 해석 및 응용(Theory and Application of Antenna) 3 1
GKN918 초음파통신(Ultirasonic Communication) 3 2
GKN919 정보통신산업론(Advanced Information Telecommunication Industry) 3 1
컴퓨터비젼(Computer Vision)
GKN920 인터넷응용(Application of Internet) 3 1
GKN921 컴퓨터연산이론(Computer Arithmetic Theory) 3 2
GKN922 컴퓨터공학특론(Advanced Computer Engineering) 3 1
GKN923 컴퓨터구조특론(Advanced Computer Architecture) 3 2
GKN925 디지털통신(Digital Communication) 3 1
GKN929 3 1
소계 48
합계 56
최근 업데이트 일시 : 2021/04/12 17:25:09