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홈으로 이동 교수진/실험실실험실 소개수의공중보건학실험실

과목 및 실험실 소개

수의공중보건학은 질병의 예방, 국민건강의 증진, 더 나아가서는 육체적 정신적 건강을 도모하여 삶의 질 향상과 생명의 연장을 목표로 하는 분야이다. 수의공중보건학의 연구 범위는 1)인수공통 전병병 관리, 2)식품위생관리, 03)안전성평가업무, 04)환경위생관리, 05)수의 및 축산업의 보건위생 관리, 06)생물학적 제제 및 연구 시약의 표준화 관리, 07)가축 사료의 안전성 관리 등 다양한 분야가 포함되어 있다. 이와 같은 다양한 연구내용 중에서 경상대학교 수의과대학 공중보건학교실에서는 인수공통전염병, 특히 세균성 인수공통 전염병 중 세포내 기생하면서 질병을 유발하는 Brucellosis(부르셀라감염증), Salmonollosis(살모넬라 감염증), Pathogenic colibacillosis(병원성대장균증) 등에 대한 연구를 수행하고 있다. 본 연구실은 세포 배양실, 균 감염실, 동물 감염실 등 안전설비를 갖추고 있으며, 실원 가족 모두는 국내는 물론 국제적으로도 최고의 실험 테크닉을 갖춘 정예의 멤버로 구성되어 있다. 실원 가족 모두 돈독한 팀웍을 바탕으로 난치성 질병을 극복하고 국민보건 증진을 위해 오늘도 최선을 다해 연구에 매진하고 있다.


  • 이후장 교수
    이후장 교수
    • 055-772-2352
    • 담당과목 수의역학, 환경위생학

학력 사항

  • 서울대학교 수의과대학(수의학박사)
  • 서울대학교 보건대학원(보건학석사)
  • 서울대학교 수의과대학(수의학학사)

경력 사항

  • 한국예방수의학회 회장 (2017.11.∼2019.10.)
  • 한국환경보건학회 부회장 (2010.02.∼ 현재)
  • 농림축산식품부, 축산물위생심의위원회 심의위원 (2006.12.∼ 현재)
  • 농림축산식품부, 도축장 HACCP 운용수준 평가위원 (2004.03.∼ 현재)
  • 환경부, 중앙환경분쟁조정위원회 조정위원 (2007.06.∼ 현재)
  • 경상남도, 도민안전제일위원회 보건안전분과위원 (2018.02.∼ 2019.02)


  • 천연물의 기능성 물질을 이용한 만성퇴행성질환 예방·치료 연구
  • 천연물을 이용한 항균·항바이러스 연구
  • 센서 및 안면인식 기술을 활용한 악성 가축전염병 방제 연구
  • 산림자원을 활용한 산업동물 및 반려동물 기능성 사료 연구
  • 동물용의약품 및 동물용의약외품의 임상시험 및 효능평가

주요 연구업적(논문 등)

  • Effects of dietary acetaminophen and vitamin C supplements on stress and inflammatory responses in Korean native cattle vaccinated with foot-and-mouth disease vaccine - a short communication. Vet. Arh. 2020.
  • ntibacterial effect against major food poisoning bacteria and skin irritation test of Curcuma aromatica Salisb. extract. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2020.
  • Prevalence of allergic symptoms and occupational allergic diseases among veterinary clinic workers. Allergy Asthma Respir Dis. 2020.
  • Adenosine receptor Adora2b antagonism attenuates Brucella abortus 544 infection in professional phagocyte RAW 264.7 cells and BALB/c mice. Vet. Microbiol. 2020.
  • Immunogenicity and protective response induced by recombinant Brucella abortus proteins Adk, SecB and combination of these two recombinant proteins against a virulent strain B. abortus 544 infection in BALB/c mice. Microb. Pathogen. 2020.
  • Modulatory Effect of Linoleic Acid During Brucella abortus 544 Infection in Murine Macrophage RAW264.7 Cells and Murine Model BALB/c Mice. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2020.
  • Development of an analytical method for the determination of tulathromycin in porcine lung tissue using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2020.
  • Development of an analytical method for the determination of dl-methylephedrine hydrochloride in porcine muscle using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Korean J. Vet. Res. 2020.
  • Substantial Protective Immunity Conferred by a Combination of Brucella abortus Recombinant Proteins against Brucella abortus 544 Infection in BALB/c Mice. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2019.
  • Interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) restricts Brucella abortus 544 survival through promoting lysosomal-mediated killing and NO production in macrophages. Vet. Microbiol. 2019.
  • Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and Its receptors in 35-day-old murine cerebellum under chronic hypoxia. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2019.
  • Acute oral toxicity test of Chamaecyparis obtuse essential oil on New Zealand white rabbits. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2019.
  • Efficacy test of commercially available disinfectants against foot-and-mouth virus under subzero temperature using anti-freezing diluents. Japan J. Vet. Res. 2019.
  • Conditions for the disinfectant efficacy test under subzero temperatures. Korean J. Vet. Res. 2019.
  • Protective Effects of Nutria Bile against Thioacetamide-Induced Liver Injury in Mice. Evid-Based Compl. Alt. 2019.
  • Chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) blockade enhances resistance to bacterial internalization in RAW264.7 cells and AMD3100, a CXCR4 antagonist, attenuates susceptibility to Brucella abortus 544 infection in a murine model. Vet. Microbiol. 2019.
  • Effects of a combination of Korean traditional herbal extracts on the egg production and poultry red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) in laying hens. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2019.
  • Synergistic antibacterial effects of the combination of sulfamethazine and tiamulin against Salmonella Typhymurium and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae isolated from pigs. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2019.
  • Interleukin 6 Promotes Brucella abortus Clearance by Controlling Bactericidal Activity of Macrophages and CD8( ) T Cell Differentiation. Infect. Immun. 2019.
  • Virucidal efficacy of a disinfectant solution composed of citric acid, malic acid and phosphoric acid against avian influenza virus. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2018.
  • Effects of reduced glutathione on stress and inflammatory response in Korean native calves vaccinated with foot-and-mouth disease vaccine. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2018.
  • Tannic acid-mediated immune activation attenuates Brucella abortus infection in mice. J. Vet. Sci. 2018.
  • Interleukin 10 suppresses lysosome-mediated killing of Brucella abortus in cultured macrophages. J. Biol. Chem. 2018.
  • Surveillance of Occupational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: The Current Situation in Thailand. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 2018.
  • Lipocalin 2 (Lcn2) interferes with iron uptake by Brucella abortus and dampens immunoregulation during infection of RAW 264.7 macrophages. Cell Microbiol. 2018.
  • The effect of near-infrared fluorescence conjugation on the anti-cancer potential of cetuximab. Lab. Anim. Res. 2018.
  • Effects of gallic acid on signaling kinases in murine macrophages and immune modulation against Brucella abortus 544 infection in mice. Microb. Pathogen. 2018.
  • Heat-stress-modulated induction of NF-kappa B leads to brucellacidal pro-inflammatory defense against Brucella abortus infection in murine macrophages and in a mouse model. BMC Microbiol. 2018.
  • Determination of florfenicol residues in swine tissues using high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet photometric detector. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2018.
  • Toxicity of a combination of florfrenicol and acetaminophen in pigs administered at overdose. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2018.
  • Emodin Successfully Inhibited Invasion of Brucella abortus Via Modulting Adherence, Microtubule Dynamics and ERK Signaling Pathway in RAW 264.7 Cells. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2018.
  • Blood parameter changes in Korean traditional calves and pigs after foot-and-mouth disease vaccination. Korean J. Vet. Res. 2017.
  • Nocodazole treatment interrupted Brucella abortus invasion in RAW 264.7 cells, and successfully attenuated splenic proliferation with enhanced inflammatory response in mice. Microb. Pathogen. 2017.
  • The host immune enhancing agent Korean red ginseng oil successfully attenuates Brucella abortus infection in a murine model. J. Ethnopharmacol. 2017.
  • Single-dose acute toxicity of intraperitoneally administered Vital-Shoot containing reduced glutathione in ICR mice. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2017.
  • Synergistic antibacterial effects of a combination of cephalexin and gentamicin against Streptococci isolated from dairy cows with subclinical mastitis in Gyeongnam province. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2017.
  • Effects of dietary acetaminophen and Vitamin C supplement on serum cortisol and tumor necrosis factor-alpha concentrations in pigs vaccinated with foot-and-mouth disease vaccine. Korean J. Vet. Res. 2017.
  • Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in a Siberian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus): a case report. Vet. Med. 2017.
  • Development of an Analytical Method for the Determination of Dexamethasone in Bovine Milk Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Tandem Mass Spectrometry. J. Food Hyg. Saf. 2017.
  • Single-dose acute toxicity of orally administered Super-Neophensan containing florfenicol and acetaminophen in Sprague-Dawley rats. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2017.
  • Simultaneous RNA-seq based transcriptional profiling of intracellular Brucella abortus and B. abortus-infected murine macrophages. Microb. Pathogen. 2017.
  • Determination of oxolinic acid residues in the muscle tissue of olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) by a lateral flow immunoassay. Food Agricul. Immunol. 2016.
  • Effect of a mixture of Galla rhois and Cinnamomum cassia extracts on susceptibility to the colonization of Campylobacter jejuni in broiler chickens. Korean J. Vet. Res. 2016.
  • Evaluation of antibacterial and therapeutic effects of egg-white lysozyme against Salmonella Typhimurium in ICR mice infected with Salmonella Typhimurium. Korean J. Vet. Res. 2016.
  • Influence of platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR) on Brucella abortus infection: implications for manipulating the phagocytic strategy of B. abortus. BMC Microbiol. 2016.
  • Bactericidal Efficacy of a Disinfectant Spray Containing a Grapefruit-seed Extract, Citric acid, Malic acid and Benzalkonium Chloride against Salmonella Typhimurium and Brucella ovis. J Food Hyg. Saf. 2016.
  • Inhibitory effect of red ginseng acidic polysaccharide from Korean red ginseng on phagocytic activity and intracellular replication of Brucella abortus in RAW 264.7 cells. J. Vet. Sci. 2016.
  • Changes in the appetite and behavior of cattle and pigs inoculated with the foot-and-mouth disease vaccine. J. Pre. Vet. Med. 2016.
  • Virucidal efficacy of powder disinfectant containing a phosphate compound against porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. J. Prev. Vet. Med. 2016.
  • Analysis of antibiotic residues in milk from healthy dairy cows treated with bovine mastitis ointment using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Korean J. Vet. Res. 2016.
  • 김석 교수
    김석 교수
    • 055-772-2359
    • 담당과목 수의공중보건학, 수의법규, 식품위생학

학력 사항

  • 충남대학교 수의학과(수의학사)
  • 충남대학교 대학원 예방수의학(수의학 석사)
  • 일본 기후대학교 대학원 응용수의학(수의학 박사)

경력 사항

  • 일본 오비히로 대학교 박사후 연구원(Post-Doc)
  • 대한인수공통전염병학회 브루셀라 분과위원
  • 국립수의과학검역원 중앙역학조사반 역학조사위원
  • 동물의학연구소 소장
  • 경상남도 환경분쟁조정위원회 전문위원
  • 경상대학교 대학원 부원장
  • 한국예방수의학회 학술위원
  • Journal of Veterinary Science, Associate Editor
  • Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine, Chief Editor


  • 인수공통전염병 병원체의 숙주 세포 내 침입 및 증식기전 규명
  • 인수공통전염병 병원체의 병원성인자 및 발병 메카니즘 규명
  • 숙주 전사체, 유전체, 대사체, 단백체 분석을 통한 병인기전 규명
  • 감염증에 대응하는 숙주 면역 기전 및 이를 이용한 치료기술 개발
  • Nano 기반 세포내 전달 항균 물질을 이용한 감염균 제어기전
  • 숙주 biomarker 발굴 및 고민감도 진단기법 개발
  • 유전자 재조합 항원을 이용한 범용 백신 개발
  • 천연소재 활용 항생제 대체 물질 개발
  • 식육 및 식품 중 잔류 항생물질 신속검출 기법의 개발
  • 산업동물 소모성질병 연구 및 농가 consulting
  • 축산폐기물에 의한 환경오염 저감에 관한 연구 등

주요 연구업적(논문 등)

  • Reyes AWB, Arayan LT, Huy TXN, Vu SH, Kang CK, Min W, Lee HJ, Lee JH, Kim S. Chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4) blockade enhances resistance to bacterial internalization in RAW264.7 cells and AMD3100, a CXCR4 antagonist, attenuates susceptibility to Brucella abortus 544 infection in a murine model. Vet Microbiol. 2019, 237:108402. doi: 10.1016
  • Hop HT, Huy TXN, Reyes AWB, Arayan LT, Vu SH, Min W, Lee HJ, Kang CK, Kim DH, Tark DS, Kim S. Interleukin 6 (IL-6) promotes Brucella abortus clearance by controlling bactericidal activity of macrophages and CD8+ T cell differentiation. Infect Immun. 2019, IAI.00431-19. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00431-19.
  • Hop HT, Reyes AWB, Arayan LT, Huy TXN, Vu SH, Min W, Lee HJ, Kang CK, Rhee MH, Kim S. Interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1α) restricts Brucella abortus 544 survival through promoting lysosomal-mediated killing and NO production in macrophages. Vet Microbiol. 2019, 232:128-136.
  • Arayan LT, Huy TXN, Reyes AWB, Hop HT, Son VH, Min W, Lee HJ, Kim S. Substantial Protective Immunity Conferred by a Combination of Brucella abortus Recombinant Proteins against Brucella abortus 544 Infection in BALB/c Mice. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2019, 29(2):330-338.
  • Arayan LT, Kim HB, Bernardo Reyes AW, Xuan Huy NT, Hong IH, Lee K, Yeom JH, Park Y, Kim S. The immunomodulatory effect of antimicrobial peptide HPA3P restricts Brucella abortus 544 infection in BALB/c mice. Vet Microbiol. 2018, 225:17-24.
  • Huy TXN, Reyes AWB, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Son VH, Min W, Lee HJ, Kim S. Emodin Successfully Inhibited Invasion of Brucella abortus Via Modulting Adherence, Microtubule Dynamics and ERK Signaling Pathway in RAW 264.7 Cells. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2018, 28(10):1723-1729.
  • Hop HT, Arayan LT, Huy TXN, Reyes AWB, Vu SH, Min W, Lee HJ, Rhee MH, Chang HH, Kim S. The Key Role of c-Fos for Immune Regulation and Bacterial Dissemination in Brucella Infected Macrophage. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2018, doi: 10.3389
  • Hop HT, Arayan LT, Reyes AWB, Huy TXN, Min WG, Lee HJ, Rhee MH, Chang HH, Kim S. Heat-stress-modulated induction of NF-κB leads to brucellacidal pro-inflammatory defense against Brucella abortus infection in murine macrophages and in a mouse model. BMC Microbiol. 2018, 18(1):44.
  • Reyes AWB, Arayan LT, Hop HT, Ngoc Huy TX, Vu SH, Min W, Lee HJ, Kim S. Effects of gallic acid on signaling kinases in murine macrophages and immune modulation against Brucella abortus 544 infection in mice. Microb Pathog. 2018, 119:255-259.
  • 10. Hop HT, Arayan LT, Huy TXN, Reyes AWB, Min W, Lee HJ, Park SJ, Chang HH, Kim S. Immunization of BALB/c mice with a combination of four recombinant Brucella abortus proteins, AspC, Dps, InpB and Ndk, confers a marked protection against a virulent strain of Brucella abortus. Vaccine. 2018, 36(21):3027-3033.
  • Hop HT, Reyes AWB, Huy TXN, Arayan LT, Min W, Lee HJ, Rhee MH, Chang HH, Kim S. Interleukin 10 suppresses lysosome-mediated killing of Brucella abortus in cultured macrophages. J Biol Chem. 2018, 293(9):3134-3144.
  • Hop HT, Arayan LT, Huy TXN, Reyes AWB, Baek EJ, Min W, Lee HJ, Rhee MH, Watanabe K, Chang HH, Kim S. Lipocalin 2 (Lcn2) interferes with iron uptake by Brucella abortus and dampens immunoregulation during infection of RAW 264.7 macrophages. Cell Microbiol. 2018, doi: 10.1111/cmi.12813.
  • Hop HT, Reyes AWB, Huy TXN, Arayan LT, Min W, Lee HJ, Rhee MH, Chang HH, Kim S. Activation of NF-kB-Mediated TNF-Induced Antimicrobial Immunity Is Required for the Efficient Brucella abortus Clearance in RAW 264.7 Cells. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2017, 7:437.
  • Hop HT, Arayan LT, Reyes AWB, Huy TXN, Min W, Lee HJ, Son JS, Kim S. Simultaneous RNA-seq based transcriptional profiling of intracellular Brucella abortus and B. abortus-infected murine macrophages. Microb Pathog. 2017, 113:57-67.
  • Hop HT, Arayan LT, Reyes AWB, Huy TXN, Baek EJ, Min W, Lee HJ, Lee CH, Rhee MH, Kim S. Inhibitory Effect of the Ethanol Extract of a Rice Bran Mixture Comprising Angelica gigas, Cnidium officinale, Artemisia princeps, and Camellia sinensis on Brucella abortus Uptake by Professional and Nonprofessional Phagocytes. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2017, 27(10):1885-1891.
  • Arayan LT, Reyes AWB, Hop HT, Xuan HT, Baek EJ, Min W, Kim S. The Bactericidal Effect of High Temperature Is an Essential Resistance Mechanism of Chicken Macrophage against Brucella abortus Infection. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2017, 27(10):1837-1843.
  • Reyes AWB, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Huy TXN, Min W, Lee HJ, Chang HH, Kim S. Tannic acid-mediated immune activation attenuates Brucella abortus infection in mice. J Vet Sci. 2018,19(1):51-57.
  • Reyes AW, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Huy TX, Min W, Lee HJ, Chang HH, Kim S. Nocodazole treatment interrupted Brucella abortus invasion in RAW 264.7 cells, and successfully attenuated splenic proliferation with enhanced inflammatory response in mice. Microb Pathog. 2017, 103:87-93.
  • Reyes AWB, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Huy TXN, Park SJ, Kim KD, Min W, Lee HJ, Rhee MH, Kwak YS, Kim S. The host immune enhancing agent Korean red ginseng oil successfully attenuates Brucella abortus infection in a murine model.J Ethnopharmacol. 2017, 198:5-14.
  • Huy TX, Reyes AW, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Min W, Lee HJ, Rhee MH, Chang HH, Kim S. Intracellular Trafficking Modulation by Ginsenoside Rg3 Inhibits Brucella abortus Uptake and Intracellular Survival within RAW 264.7 Cells. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2017, 27(3):616-623.
  • Reyes AWB, Hong TG, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Huy TXN, Min W, Lee HJ, Lee KS, Kim S. The in vitro and in vivo protective effects of tannin derivatives against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection. Microb Pathog. 2017, 109:86-93.
  • Lee JJ, Simborio HL, Reyes AW, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Lee HJ, Min W, Her M, Rhee MH, Watarai M, Chang HH, Kim S. Influence of platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR) on Brucella abortus infection: implications for manipulating the phagocytic strategy of B. abortus. BMC Microbiol. 2016, 16:70.
  • Reyes AW, Simborio HL, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Kim S. Molecular cloning, purification and immunogenicity of recombinant Brucella abortus 544 malate dehydrogenase protein. J Vet Sci. 2016, 17(1):119-22.
  • Hop HT, Arayan LT, Simborio HL, Reyes AW, Min W, Lee HJ, Lee JJ, Chang HH, Kim S. An evaluation of ELISA using recombinant Brucella abortus bacterioferritin (Bfr) for bovine brucellosis. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. 2016, 45:16-9.
  • Reyes AW, Simborio HL, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Min WG, Lee HJ, Rhee MH, Chang HH, Kim S. Inhibitory effect of red ginseng acidic polysaccharide from Korean red ginseng on phagocytic activity and intracellular replication of Brucella abortus in RAW 264.7 cells. J Vet Sci. 2016, 17(3):315-21.
  • Simborio HL, Reyes AW, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Min W, Lee HJ, Lee JJ, Chang HH, Kim S. Immune Modulation of Recombinant OmpA against Brucella abortus 544 Infection in Mice. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2016, 26(3):603-9.
  • Reyes AW, Kim DG, Simborio HL, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Min W, Lee JJ, Chang HH, Kim S. Methyl gallate limits infection in mice challenged with Brucella abortus while enhancing the inflammatory response. J Appl Microbiol. 2016, 120(3):552-9.
  • Reyes AW, Arayan LT, Simborio HL, Hop HT, Min W, Lee HJ, Kim DH, Chang HH, Kim S. Dextran sulfate sodium upregulates MAPK signaling for the uptake and subsequent intracellular survival of Brucella abortus in murine macrophages. Microb Pathog. 2016, 91:68-73.
  • Hop HT, Reyes AW, Simborio HL, Arayan LT, Min WG, Lee HJ, Lee JJ, Chang HH, Kim S. Immunization of Mice with Recombinant Brucella abortus Organic Hydroperoxide Resistance (Ohr) Protein Protects Against a Virulent Brucella abortus 544 Infection. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2016, 26(1):190-6.
  • Simborio HL, Lee JJ, Bernardo Reyes AW, Hop HT, Arayan LT, Min W, Lee HJ, Yoo HS, Kim S. Evaluation of the combined use of the recombinant Brucella abortus Omp10, Omp19 and Omp28 proteins for the clinical diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. Microb Pathog. 2015, 83-84:41-6.
  • Arayan LT, Simborio HL, Reyes AW, Hop HT, Min W, Lee HJ, Rhee MH, Chang HH, Kim S. The effects of red ginseng saponin fraction-A (RGSF-A) on phagocytosis and intracellular signaling in Brucella abortus infected RAW 264.7 cells. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2015, 362(11).
  • Lee JJ, Simborio HL, Reyes AW, Kim DG, Hop HT, Min W, Her M, Jung SC, Yoo HS, Kim S. Immunoproteomic identification of immunodominant antigens independent of the time of infection in Brucella abortus 2308-challenged cattle. Vet Res. 2015, 46:17.
  • Hop HT, Simborio HL, Reyes AW, Arayan LT, Min W, Lee HJ, Kim DH, Chang HH, Kim S. Immunogenicity and protective effect of recombinant Brucella abortus Ndk (rNdk) against a virulent strain B. abortus 544 infection in BALB/c mice. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2015, 362(4).
  • Lee JJ, Lim JJ, Kim DG, Simborio HL, Kim DH, Reyes AW, Min W, Lee HJ, Kim DH, Chang HH, Kim S. Characterization of culture supernatant proteins from Brucella abortus and its protection effects against murine brucellosis. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. 2014, 37(4):221-8.
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최근 업데이트 일시 : 2021/05/21 15:57:59