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홈으로 이동 Life at GNUHousingDormitoriesEnglish


Dormitory Application

  • How to apply: Apply via the dormitory website(www.dorm.gnu.ac.kr)를 통해 신청
  • Application period: (spring semester) Early December, (fall semester) Mid July
  • Residence period: 1 year(During the vacations, you should apply seperately.)


  • PC rooms, Study rooms, CVS, Fitness centers, Laundry, ATM, etc.


  • Building No. 61 - 74


  • If you get more than 5 penalty points at a time, you should leave dorm immediately.
  • If you get more than 5 penalty points in one semester, you are not allowed to apply for a dorm anymore.
  • If you get more than 3 penalty points in one semester, you are not allowed to apply for a dorm until bext semester.

    You must check the regulations related to penalty points on the dormitory website.


Gajwa Campus Chilam Campus Tongyeong Campus
055-772-0275 055-772-8298 055-772-9211,9212
www.dorm.gnu.ac.kr www.cdorm.gnu.ac.kr www.tdorm.gnu.ac.kr