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홈으로 이동 AboutOverview

Department (Major) Characteristics

Academic Characteristics

Energy engineering is an interdisciplinary and integrated field that combines fundamental sciences such as physics, chemistry, and materials, as well as various engineering disciplines including chemical engineering. It encompasses advanced nanotechnology and environmental technologies, integrating theoretical knowledge and process technologies that can be applied to new energy production, storage, and utilization systems.

Relevant Industries
  1. 01경남 Province has set a vision to increase the renewable energy adoption rate to 15% by 2030 and attract and foster high-level related companies to achieve this vision. The renewable energy-related industries in the region are the second-largest in the country, and it is not only abundant in potential but also a hub for solar and wind energy-related industries.
  2. 02경남 Province has designated the construction of the 'Renewable Energy Industry Capital' as an important regional industrial policy vision and is actively promoting key projects related to this. Major projects include the establishment of a wind power component Test-Bed, practical development of offshore wind power components in the southeastern region, establishment of solar power generation complexes, and construction of a solar power generation material industry (metal silicon) cluster.
Specialization Direction

Considering the current status and future prospects of the future energy industry's structure and workforce demand, the department aims to cultivate energy engineering professionals who meet the demands of the times. By doing so, the department aims to contribute to the country's development, drive the growth of the energy sector as one of the top 10 strategic industries in the local community, and enhance the university's competitiveness through operations aligned with its mission, goals, and specialization.

학과 전공의 지향점

Department Vision

  1. 01A research-centered department focused on securing future energy technologies and technological innovation.
  2. 02A department that cultivates talents leading in the fields of future energy.
  3. 03A globally-oriented department that nurtures global talents through education of international standards.
  4. 04A department that takes the lead in enhancing our university's competitiveness.
  5. 05A department that lays the foundation for boosting national competitiveness.
학과비전 이미지 : 자세한 설명은 하단 참조

“세계를 향해, 미래를 향해” 경상국립대학교 에너지공학과 : 세계적 수준의 교육을 실천하고 미래형 에너지 신기술 연구를 선도하는 학과

  • 신재생에너지 기술 : 미래형 녹색에너지 기술개발
  • 전문인력 양성 : 전문성과 창의성을 갖춘 고급인력 양성
  • 에너지 기술혁신 : 글로벌 에너지 위기 및 기후변화 문제 해결
  • 글로벌 인재 양성 : 세계적 수준의 교육을 통한 글로벌 리더 양성

Departmental Graduate Attributes

학과 인재상 이미지 : 자세한 설명은 하단 참조
“에너지공학 전문인력 양성으로 국가 및 사회의 지속가능성 증대에 기여”
  1. 01. 국가와 사회에 필요한 가치관과 인성을 갖춘 에너지공학자로서의 기본소양 함양(윤리성)
  2. 02. 지속가능성 증대를 위한 환경친화적 에너지 공학 전문지식 습득(전문성)
  3. 03. 산업현장에서 필요한 에너지공학 실무능력 배양(실무능력)
  4. 04. 종합적 실무지식과 창의성을 갖춘 융합형 그로벌 전문인력 양성(글로벌 융합능력)

Departmental Educational Objectives

01. Cultivating Leading Professionals in Future Energy Fields
  1. a)Proactive response to changes in the energy paradigm
  2. b)Establishment of internationally competitive educational infrastructure
  3. c)Education for the cultivation of specialized, creative global talents
02. Attaining Top 5 Ranking Among Domestic Energy Engineering Departments
  1. a)Securing competitiveness through the implementation of departmental development direction and key strategies
  2. b)Enhancement of education quality and research capabilities
  3. c)Support for student aptitude development and educational innovation

Major (Skills) Competencies

  1. 01Ethical Judgment: The educational objectives of the Energy Engineering Department aim to cultivate individuals with genuine character, ethical responsibility, and leadership qualities based on true integrity, contributing to the development of the nation and society. This includes the ability to make ethical judgments.
  2. 02Specialized Skills: Through continuous improvement and operation of curricula that reflect the demands of future energy industries, the department aims to develop professionals with the skills to lead the 21st-century energy-based industries. This encompasses specialized competencies in the field.
  3. 03Practical Abilities: By fostering adaptability to practical settings through systematic laboratory experiments and industry-linked education, the department aims to nurture practical-oriented talents capable of comprehensively designing, producing, and evaluating materials and systems in the energy sector for future-oriented development.
  4. 04Global Integration: The department aims to graduate global intellectuals who possess broad understanding of science and technology fields and creatively apply them to solve engineering problems, leading energy technology on the international stage, thus contributing to the increased sustainability of the nation and society. This includes the development of global integration capabilities.
Last update date : 2023/08/17 15:58:10