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홈으로 이동 석사과정교과과정생물자원환경학과환경농학전공


구분 교과목번호 교과목명 학점 개설학기
공통 GKN00501 지속농업특론 (Advanced Sustainable Agriculture) 3 1
GKN00502 농업생태특론(Advanced in Agroecology) 3 2
GKN00503 세미나(Seminar) 1 전학기
소계 7
연구 GKN00509 논문연구(Research for the Master's Degree) 2 전학기

GKN00512 품종육성론(Cultivar Improvement Theory) 3 1
GKN00513 GMO와 환경(GMO and Environment) 3 2
GKN00514 지속농업기술론(Sustainable Farming Practices Comparison) 3 2
GKN00515 지속농업정보론(Information Network for Sustainable Agriculture) 3 1
GKN00516 작물재배환경론(Environment of Crop Cultivation) 3 2
GKN00517 종자생리생태학(Seed Ecophysiology) 3 1
GKN00518 피복작물관리론(Mulch Crop Management) 3 2
GKN00519 빛과 농업(Light for Agriculture) 3 1
GKN00520 작물생명공학(Crop Biotechnology) 3 2
GKN00521 유전과 환경(Genetics and Environment) 3 1
GKN00522 작물수분관리론(Water Relations of Crops) 3 1
GKN00523 식물자원개발론(Exploitation of Plant Resources) 3 2
소계 36
합계 45
최근 업데이트 일시 : 2021/04/12 17:27:04