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Embedded Systems and SOC Lab.

홈으로 이동 ResearchesEmbedded Systems and SOC Lab.

Core technologies possessed by researchers

Microprocessor and embedded system design

Introduction to the lab

We are researching high-performance microprocessors and low-power computing, and are conducting research on memory systems that are efficient for high performance and low power based on NAND flash and SSD systems. We are also conducting various related research and projects to design embedded systems.

Research content

1. High-performance/low-power microprocessor

(1) Processor design using a new low-cost and highly efficient cache memory

(2) Structural design using the characteristics of cache memory and main memory

(3) Low-power computing techniques for the entire system

2. Next-generation memory research

(1) Research on improving overall system performance using low-cost NAND flash memory

(2) Hybrid storage media design by combining NAND flash and PCM

(3) Research on various high-performance next-generation memory systems

3. Research on embedded systems

(1) Research on embedded systems focusing on low power

(2) Research on embedded systems focusing on high performance

(3) System research using Android programming

Last update date : 2023/09/25 13:43:13