학년 | 학기 | 교과목코드 | 학점/이론/실습 | 교과목명 | 영문명 |
1 | 1 | 11022133 | 2/2/0 | 인문사회의료3 (의사소통과의료윤리) | Humanity, Society & Medicine 3 (Communication and Medical Ethics) |
1 | 11022967 | 4/4/0 | 병리학 | Pathology | |
1 | 11022968 | 3/3/0 | 병원체의병태생리2 | Pathophysiology of pathogens 2 | |
1 | 11008655 | 2/2/0 | 역학및의학통계학 | Epidemiology and Medical Statistics | |
1 | 11022134 | 1/0.5/0.5 | EBM | EBM(Evidence-based Medicine) | |
1 | 11023456 | 2/1/1 | 생리학Ⅱ | PhysiologyⅡ | |
1 | 11023457 | 2/1/1 | 약리학Ⅱ | PharmacologyⅡ | |
1 | 11022135 | 2/2/0 | CP기초통합과정Ⅰ | CP based Integrative Basic Medical Science I | |
1 | 11022136 | 2/2/0 | CP기초통합과정Ⅱ | CP based Integrative Basic Medical Science II | |
학점 소계 | 20 | ||||
2 | 11022970 | 1/1/0 | 인문사회의료4(행동과학) | Humanity, Society & Medicine 4(Behavioral Mediciine) | |
2 | 11008659 | 2/2/0 | 진단학 | Diagnostics | |
2 | 11008671 | 3/3/0 | 신경학 | Neurology | |
2 | 11008668 | 3/3/0 | 정신의학 | Psychiatry | |
2 | 11008660 | 5/5/0 | 소화기학 | Gastroenterology | |
2 | 11008661 | 3/3/0 | 호흡기학 | Pulmonology | |
2 | 11024396 | 1/1/0 | 기초의학종합과정 | Integrated course of basic medical science | |
2 | 11022139 | 1/0/1 | 문제바탕학습과정Ⅰ* | Problem-Based Learning I | |
학점 소계 | 20 | ||||
학점 총계 | 40 | ||||
2 | 1 | 11008659 | 2/2/0 | 진단학 | Diagnostics |
1 | 11008660 | 3/3/0 | 소화기학 | Gastroenterology | |
1 | 11008661 | 3/3/0 | 호흡기학 | Pulmonology | |
1 | 11008662 | 2/2/0 | 류마티스.알레르기학 | Rheumatology and Allergology | |
1 | 11008663 | 3/3/0 | 내분비학 | Endocrinolgy and Metabolism | |
1 | 11008664 | 2/2/0 | 피부.근골격계학 | Skin and Musculoskeletal System | |
1 | 11008665 | 3/3/0 | 출산및생식의학 | Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine | |
1 | 11008666 | 2/2/0 | 연계강좌 | Complementation Lectures | |
1 | 11008667 | 1/1/0 | 보건의료관리 | Health and medical care (Patient, Doctor and Society 3) | |
학점 소계 | 21 | ||||
2 | 11008668 | 2/2/0 | 정신의학 | Psychiatry | |
2 | 11008669 | 3/3/0 | 신장학 | Nephrology | |
2 | 11008670 | 3/3/0 | 순환기학 | Cardiology | |
2 | 11008671 | 3/3/0 | 신경학 | Neurology | |
2 | 11008672 | 3/3/0 | 혈액.종양학 | Hematology and Oncology | |
2 | 11008673 | 3/3/0 | 감염학 | Infectious Diseases | |
2 | 11008674 | 2/2/0 | 외상및응급의학 | Trauma and Emergency Medicine | |
2 | 11008675 | 1/1/0 | 직업환경의학 | Occupational and Environmental Medicine | |
학점 소계 | 20 | ||||
학점 총계 | 41 | ||||
3 | 1,2 | 11008676 | 1/0/2 | 임상실습입문 | Introduction to Clinical Practice |
1,2 | 11008677 | 10/0/10 | 내과학 | Internal Medicine Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008678 | 5/0/5 | 외과학 | Surgery Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008679 | 5/0/5 | 산부인과학 | Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008680 | 5/0/5 | 소아과학 | Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008681 | 4/0/4 | 정신과학 | Psychiatry Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008682 | 2/0/2 | 신경과학 | Neurology Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008683 | 2/0/2 | 영상의학 | Radiology Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008684 | 1/0/1 | 진단검사의학 | Laboratory Medicine Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008685 | 2/0/2 | 응급의학 | Emergency Medicine Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008621 | 2/0/2 | 정형외과학 | Orthopeadic Surgery Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11022147 | 1/0/2 | 진료역량심화 | In-depth course of clinical clerkship | |
1,2 | 11022148 | 1/1/0 | 인문의료사회8 (리더십과임상의사소통) | Humanity, Society & Medicine 8 (Leadership and Clinical communication) | |
1,2 | 11022985 | 1/1/0 | 인문의료사회9 (법과윤리) | Humanity, Society & Medicine 9 | |
1,2 | 11022149 | 1/1/0 | 임상의학종합과정Ⅱ | Integrated course of clinical medicine Ⅱ | |
학점 총계 | 43 | ||||
4 | 1,2 | 11008620 | 2/0/2 | 피부과학 | Dermatology Clerkship |
1,2 | 11008621 | 2/0/2 | 정형외과학 | Orthopaedic Surgery Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008622 | 2/0/2 | 흉부외과학 | Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008623 | 2/0/2 | 신경외과학 | Neurosurgery Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008624 | 2/0/2 | 성형외과학 | Plastic Surgery Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008625 | 2/0/2 | 비뇨기과학 | Urology Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008626 | 2/0/2 | 이비인후과학 | Otorhinolaryngology Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008627 | 2/0/2 | 안과학 | Ophthalmology Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008628 | 2/0/2 | 방사선종양학 | Radiation Oncology Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008629 | 2/0/2 | 마취통증의학 | Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008630 | 2/0/2 | 재활의학 | Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008631 | 3/0/3 | 임상종합술기시험 | Clinical Skill Evaluation | |
1,2 | 11008688 | 2/0/2 | 선택의학 | Elective Course | |
1,2 | 11022151 | 2/0/2 | 선택특과목 | Specialized Elective Course | |
1,2 | 11022150 | 1/1/0 | 의학연구Ⅲ* | Medical research 3 | |
1,2 | 11022982 | 1/1/0 | 인문사회의료10(사회와의료/보완대체의학) | Humanity, Society & Medicine 10(Medical sociology·Complementary and Alternative Medicine) | |
1,2 | 11008702 | 1/0/1 | 지역사회의학실습 | Community Medicine Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11008703 | 2/0/2 | 지역사회임상실습 | Primary Care Clerkship | |
1,2 | 11022984 | 6/6/0 | 임상의학종합과정Ⅲ | Case Conference | |
학점 총계 | 40 | ||||
총 학점 총계 | 164 |