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Campus Life

Gyeongnam’s national flagship university representing Korea

Campus Journal Editorial Board

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Campus Journal Editorial Board

Pioneer (Gaecheokja)

Editorial board of Pioneer (Gaecheokja), the campus journal of GNU, is the only self-governing media organization of students in the university. Its works and activities are made independently by GNU students without any outside interference including supervising professors. Operation of Pioneer depends on the student fee that GNU students pay every semester. Pioneer belongs to all GNU students.

Main Works

Publication of campus journal

Pioneer covers a variety of issues across university communities and the society from viewpoints of university students. This journal is published every fall of the year, and distributed at stands located on all over the GNU campus. The location of the stand is provided at the Pioneer website.

News reporting activities

Pioneer has been releasing articles in forms of newsletter, social network posts, etc. to report the progress of issues inside or outside the university. Visit the website or social network page of Pioneer to read the news articles.
